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China School Forest Update

Hi forest friends! We have had a busy spring in the forest.  We have 2 projects nearing completion.  Our Maine Wildlife Trail is being installed this week.  It features life-sized plywood cutouts of about 25 Maine animals along the loop by the Seed Tree and Forest Choices areas.  We have also added larger-than-life cutouts of birds at our Bird Watching Station. These projects were part of a grant and were completed by 5th-grade students from China Middle School.
We have a website!  It is still a work in progress, but here’s the link!  https://chinaschoolsforest.wixsite.com/website
We have a new trail map and are working on clearing the North Loop trail this summer.  If you have chainsaw skills or want to help, it is always appreciated!  This is a community forest and it takes a community to keep the trails and outdoor classrooms in good shape. The map is also attached.
We finally have our summer schedule for the China School’s Forest.  Attached are the details.  I hope to see many of your happy faces this summer.  Feel free to share our fliers and/or our facebook page with your friends.
Here’s to sunny skies and time outside!  Anita Smith

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