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Mindfulness at CMS

In the hurry and hustle culture that is our world in 2020, some ELA students at CMS began the new year by taking some intentional time to slow down.  They focused on where their identities come from- not belongings, or activities, or what others say about them, but from love, the love that so many people in their lives have for them. This can sometimes get lost in the day-to-day hustle and bustle.  

As these students reflected on this truth, they also spent time learning about formations- the idea that we are all forming into different people all the time based on our actions and reactions to situations that we may be faced with.  These students reflected on what type of people they want to be becoming in the year ahead and beyond!   

Sixth and seventh graders practiced taking some time to be mindful and reflective as they chose a word to represent their formations moving ahead into 2020.  They each created a strong statement that set the tone moving forward- “I want to be a person that is grateful.” “I want to be a person that is productive.”  “I want to be a person that is brave.” “I want to be a person that is patient.” What a powerful way to step back and reflect on moving forward.  

Who are you becoming in 2020?

written by Sierra Frankenfield


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